Der Hen Ad at Sydhavn Station

Der Hen Ad
Sydhavn Station, Copenhagen, DK
22nd of April – the 3rd of May, 2014.
Der Hen Ad is an experimental group project undertaken by the artists Ulla Hvejsel, Pernille With Madsen, Julie Boserup, Pulsk Ravn, Kirsten Otzen Keck and J&K. The artist run project space Sydhavn Station located in a closed down ticket office at a train station is literally turned inside out becoming the stage for a communal project. The exhibition takes place on a row of posters in the station hall which stretches on the outside of the exhibition space, which is closed for the public. The posters function as peep holes into the exhibition space and reveal what is going on inside, where the group of artists work together in a progressive day-to-day experiment. On the first day the posters show the empty space with a pile of materials in one corner randomly brought in by the artists. The development inside the space is photographed at set times through out the project period and step by step the posters of the empty space are replaced exposing an installational animation.
Ulla Hvejsel, Pernille With Madsen, Julie Boserup, Pulsk Ravn, Kirsten Otzen Keck and J&K, Der Hen Ad, poster series (detail), 2014, photo: Marc Fluri
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