Tea with Nefertiti at Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst Munich

We are proud to announce the last show of Tea with Nefertiti: Nofretete – tête-à-tête: Wie Kunst gemacht wird Curated by Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath 7th of May – 7th of September, 2014 Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst Arcisstraße 16, 80333 München. After a critically acclaimed two-year international tour starting at Mathaf, Arab Museum of […]
Der Hen Ad at Sydhavn Station

Der Hen Ad Sydhavn Station, Copenhagen, DK 22nd of April – the 3rd of May, 2014. Der Hen Ad is an experimental group project undertaken by the artists Ulla Hvejsel, Pernille With Madsen, Julie Boserup, Pulsk Ravn, Kirsten Otzen Keck and J&K. The artist run project space Sydhavn Station located in a closed down ticket […]
Performance acquired by The Danish Arts Fund

Calling for water, calling for nettles, calling for gold, calling for dreams Performance acquired by The Danish Arts Fund, performed at Tørring Gymnasium, DK, 24th of April, 2014. In the performance Calling for water, calling for nettles, calling for gold, calling for dreams J&K present a series of vignettes that take the form of living […]
The Nation at The National Gallery of Denmark

We are happy to present The Nation on show from 22nd of November 2013 at The National Gallery of Denmark in room 218B in their collection of Older Danish and Nordic Art (1750-1900). The exhibition runs until November 2014. Admission is free. The Nation is based on the performance The Nation – guided tour that […]
Purgatory at CPH:DOX

We are proud to announce the world premiere of our video piece Purgatory, a trailer for a non-existent film at CPH:DOX international film festival. Purgatory
The Cave at ff-forma / KW Berlin

J&K are performing their new piece The Cave at the performative Minute: ff / Forma at KW Berlin on the 7th of November, 2013, 7-10 pm. ƒƒ / Forma is an evening exploring experimental relationships between painting and performance. Please join ƒƒ and friends in a salon-like atmosphere to experience actions and performances of various […]
The Oracle at The Wand by ff

The Oracle is a research project by ƒƒ about how the future is envisioned today. By generating wishes for a utopian future or by channeling fears of a dystopian nature, the project generates an overview of reflections on today’s society. The Oracle is a collective imagining realized by its participants. Instead of the traditional and […]
Babylon Shuttle Bus – Mobile Utopia Research Unit

At Fusion Festival 2013 Babylon Shuttle Bus will be operating as a time machine that transports its crew of colourful researchers straight from the building site of the fallen Babel Tower to Fusion Festival. In spite of the total collapse of the Tower of Babel the crew is still determined to continue their impossible quest […]